Well everyone thanks giving is upon us again this year dahlberg and myself and anyone else that can make it are going to spend the first 3-4 days in glamis. then move over to ocotillo road for the feast with everyone. we arent exactly sure where we will be yet. dave is checking it out this weekend. we will either be at gecko road or the washes. i have some other friends camping wash 10 that cone off about 10 acres who said we are all welcome. look for the big white blimp and as always the sweed flags. or give me a call 714 863-2580 so i hope any and all of you can make it out on thanksgiving. either glamis or ocotillo road or both. there will be a couple deep fryers to cook turkeys and if everyone just brings one thing to share there will be plenty. and dont forget to answer the survey of where you will be so we know how much room to leave open.
thanks hope to see ya all there