Ok well it looks like the group is a little split up this year i will be heading out to glamis with shrameks,copelands,salsburys and dave and tina. These are the only ones ive talked to and confirmed with. We will be camping somewhere between wash 10 and 14 depending on how full it is when we get there. I will be heading out on wed morning and arriving in glamis around 10am to put up the sweed flag. Shrameks will be right behind me so i should be first to arrive and find a good spot. I will call the aforementioned people to give exact location once we find it. If you are planning on coming with us please call me or post a comment so i know to call you to give exact location. If anyone will be there before me to find a spot let me know where you are so i can find you. For those of you going somewhere else put up a post and maybe other people with your same destination can find you be safe and have fun, see ya.
Another note we will be having thanksgiving dinner potluck so bring a dish. Please post a comment as to what you are bringing to the feast so we dont duplicate. I dont think we need 5 turkeys so whos bringing one or something else.